
About Me

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Bonjour mon ami, my name is Barthelemy Thimonnier. I take the trade of a tailor, and my wife is an embroideress. Along with being a tailor, I am also known as an inventor. I invented the first sewing machine, and indeed it was not easy. In fact, I was hated by many tailors for my first attempt of creating a sewing machine. Well.... Nice meeting you, I have to be gone now. Au revoir.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Differences we have..

What are some differences that we have?


  1. You made your sewing machine for the use of all in your profession, not just for you. My book British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions, for which I am most well known for, I made as a scientific reference for only a few people. Your intent was to have many people use your sewing machine while I only intended to give my book to a few people.

  2. Barthelemy, you are so lucky you could just create the machine like that. my in vention was made by accedent! You also say that your art was seen as a profession wheras I don't really know what people thought of inventing. You also didn't really have a mentor as for me I had several.

  3. Anna Atkins, I wouldn't say that I made my machine for all people. I made it for those who were tailors and made clothes themselves. Not everyone had the skills required to use my machine.

  4. the most common diffrence we have is that your an inventor and i am an actress. You also had to work hard for what you have made , starting out so young everything was mainly handed to me
