
About Me

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Bonjour mon ami, my name is Barthelemy Thimonnier. I take the trade of a tailor, and my wife is an embroideress. Along with being a tailor, I am also known as an inventor. I invented the first sewing machine, and indeed it was not easy. In fact, I was hated by many tailors for my first attempt of creating a sewing machine. Well.... Nice meeting you, I have to be gone now. Au revoir.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


What do you think of my work?


  1. If you had considered the variety of ways people would react to your invention more carefully, then perhaps you could have prevented workers from destroying your factory and such. If you ever decide to invent something else you should consider that.

  2. Thank you, I agree. When I invented my machine, I thought only about myself, and how things would be easier for me.

  3. Well i think that your idea was wonderful. I also would take into consideration madames advice. But I do disagree with your comment of "I only thought about myself". I don't think you seem selfish in the least.

  4. Why Thank you. I don't think that I am a selfish person either.

  5. your idea was wonderful. it had made a way for many people today. if it wasnt for you people would probably still be sewing by hand
