
About Me

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Bonjour mon ami, my name is Barthelemy Thimonnier. I take the trade of a tailor, and my wife is an embroideress. Along with being a tailor, I am also known as an inventor. I invented the first sewing machine, and indeed it was not easy. In fact, I was hated by many tailors for my first attempt of creating a sewing machine. Well.... Nice meeting you, I have to be gone now. Au revoir.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Similarities between us...

What are some similarities that we have?


  1. As a young actor, a lot of other actors envy me and that made working as a actor even harder. As you mentioned in your interview you were hated by other inventor , and i understand why because your inventions are brilliant.

  2. Just as you were inspired by your mother to become involved in the arts I was also inspired by a parent. My mother died giving birth to me so my father became very involved in my life. He introduced me to science and photography, which is my form of art.

  3. Salut Barthelemy. You wanted to share your sewing machine with everyone. As I , I created the Daguerreoptype for universal use. You also were disliked by many spectators. I was disliked by painters and inventors who claimed to have created an image capturing device before me.
